Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Time to "skate" at work a little...

Here I am in the office, mini fan on,computer screens with 100 windows open, phone ringing, wrapping up these small fires before they burn out of control. It was a rough morning today. In the process of reorganizing my guest room, I misplaced my car key, and could not find my wallet. I rushed out of the house with my comb in hand, late to work, but it didn't bug me, since the majority of the time I am 30 minutes early. Thankfully, It's like a small family here in the IT dept., With all the comp time I put in for these guys and never claim, I would be rich. I am what you call a "category five" procrastinator in my personal life, it's biggest flaw that I have, although Im not like that when I'm working.  If you evaluated my work on a daily basis, you would think otherwise.

I have always had two passions in life since I was a kid. Technology and Art. I loved train sets and Legos. They were my favorite toys as a young child. I would always bug my mom to buy me more train tracks for my Brio wooden trains so that I could make my setup bigger and badder each time. As far as Legos go,I was pretty creative when making things up. I was the kid that broke things purposely in order to figure out how it worked. Art branched off this creativity I had. I would draw so often that my dad would get angry at me for using up so much paper. Crayons, markers, pencils, were always near me at that time. I would draw characters that were on kid shows that I liked at the time and pretty much anything my teachers wanted me to do.

Later in high school I was introduced to electronics when I took a magnet engineering course. I was instantly addicted to to concept of routing current through a circuit board, using Ohm's law to find values like power, resistance and voltage then verifying my findings. After high school I went to community college for a year then joined the Navy for 9 years as a telecom technician. Three years ago I jumped into civilian life and am thankful and fortunate that I was hired here in San Diego soon after .Working in the IT field, usually demands experience on the systems worked on and certifications and work takes care of that. a college degree doesn't mean crap now a days in the IT field.  I was 28 years old and figured to go to school for Art to do freelance work, I've always wanted to own my own business and this was an opportunity to make money doing something I enjoy on the side of my Career. School in general, I tend to procrastinate on lots of the work handed to me. I have never been big on trying to get the best grades in class or prove myself to anyone. as long as I pass the class, I'm good. You put something in front of me I enjoy, and It usually brings out the best in me. Coming to Platt for webdesign has been great for me so far. When I am focused on a project, I tend to block out everything around me and finish the task to completion. This is how I am at work, and at home.

This class should be interesting. I have never been in a class so small in my life, but I am looking forward to the experience.

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